Let's peel back these layers!

juliannlaw Here is a closeup of the endpapers in my debut picture book, THE WORKD’S LONGEST SOCK. I work digitally in Adobe Photoshop but the program doesn’t do it all for me! I knit all the pixels by hand! Haha! I do have things I do to help me work quickly and efficiently, though, like using layers. Here you get to see me take off those layers one by one till we are back at nothing but a background. The World's Longest Sock is now available on  Amazon ,  Barnes and Noble ,  Target , or wherever you  buy books !

This one's for baby Norah

My good friend, Kate Santos, and I went through our pregnancies together. . . commiserating and sharing good maternity clothes finds. She was due 6 weeks ahead of me, but we both ended up on bed rest and both ended up delivering early. She'd stop by at the hospital after non-stress tests and then the weekend her baby was born, she was just down the hall from me so I could get wheeled down to visit. It was so fun to have her there for a bit. Now we get to go through the newborn phase together. . . anyhow, this quilt is for her cute baby, Norah.

P.S. On this one I used the back pattern, an Amy Butler lotus design, to set my quilt pattern. . . maybe its the lazy way out because I hate marking, but it makes it kind of fun and challenging to find a pattern that ties the quilt together, literally!


Sara said…
that is so adorable- I love it!!
April said…
Your quilts are seriously the prettiest I've seen! You are so talented! LOOOVE the fabric :)
Amanda said…
juliann. awesome quilts. you are very talented. thank you for your comment about the michael miler fabric. i'm a big fan and i have a bunch of it..i saw that blog about the vinyl cotton the day after my splat mat from land of nod arrived. oh well! thanks for thinking of us. hope all is well with sweet lucy kate. i hear she is adorable!

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