Let's peel back these layers!

juliannlaw Here is a closeup of the endpapers in my debut picture book, THE WORKD’S LONGEST SOCK. I work digitally in Adobe Photoshop but the program doesn’t do it all for me! I knit all the pixels by hand! Haha! I do have things I do to help me work quickly and efficiently, though, like using layers. Here you get to see me take off those layers one by one till we are back at nothing but a background. The World's Longest Sock is now available on  Amazon ,  Barnes and Noble ,  Target , or wherever you  buy books !


Pink flamingos in the front yard? Underwear hanging on the clothes line? But, of course! What could be more appropriate a "send off" for our friends Eric and Kate (see below) who are moving to Ohio than a very Improper, White Trash Barbecue.

Here's hubby after a long, hot few hours at the grill. . . kickin' it.

If we had done a prize for "best dressed," I would have had to given it to Kate. . .

And Kat who has already done justice to the great event in her blog (nice belted leopard top, chica!)

Sophie wins for most photogenic of the evening. . .

This pic of Lance is a little fuzzy but way to good NOT to post. . . and YES, I actually ate that hotdog. Why did I choose the completely black one, you ask? That's what a good hostess does, takes the worst one to leave the only slightly crispy hotdogs for her guests.

Lucy enjoyed the rare moment where we actually LET her make a mess.

A few of the fine dishes on the buffet table.

Macey and Lisa in matching tube tops. . . WOW.

I'm pretty sure Analeis wants to beat me up for taking this photo. . .

And I KNOW her daughter, Lyla, wants to slug me too.

Anyhow, some fun pics from a fun night. . .


Kate said…
how fun! im so glad we have that memory. just a few days ago i said to eric... "that guy would have fit right in at the BBQ!" sure miss you guys
Egan Metcalf said…
whoa awesome party!
Hey I think that is our 2nd cousin Eric. Weird. He is a very cool guy.
katherine said…
oh man, what an amazing party that was. we really were right in our element! thanks for hosting such a great party! you guys are the best!!
Amy Lynn said…
What a perfectly perfect going away party! I loved it! Especially the pink flamingos and big tightie-whities floating in the breeze!
The Dell Family said…
YOu guys crack me up. That is so HILARIOUS.
brooklyn said…
what great pictures. i love the one of kate and eric. what a fun party.
Milly said…
That looks like a fun party! I definitely agree with you on Kate being best dressed. That's a pretty intense shirt! I hope you are all doing well. :)
I DO want to beat you up. Meet me tomorrow after school at the flag pole. ;)

Awesome pics, great party, and great outfits!
Nancy K said…
I was laughing out loud! How fun!
hOLLIANN said…
That is so funny, but where are the pictures of you?
we are so bummed we missed this party; we miss you guys. so much.

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