Let's peel back these layers!

juliannlaw Here is a closeup of the endpapers in my debut picture book, THE WORKD’S LONGEST SOCK. I work digitally in Adobe Photoshop but the program doesn’t do it all for me! I knit all the pixels by hand! Haha! I do have things I do to help me work quickly and efficiently, though, like using layers. Here you get to see me take off those layers one by one till we are back at nothing but a background. The World's Longest Sock is now available on  Amazon ,  Barnes and Noble ,  Target , or wherever you  buy books !

random list of things I'm excited about. . .

  • I sold thirteen of my little soft books on Etsy before Christmas!
  • 23 people Heart me!
  • Mike and work-out buddy Noah (who belongs to April) were accepted into the training program at Gym Jones. . . you know, the ones who trained the actors for 300?
  • O' Falafel, etc.
  • These boots. . . I know, I know its only taken me two months of constant snow storms to admit I need all-weather boots.
  • nood a fantastic little modern store that we ran into during boxing week and got some of the most outstanding deals!
  • Audrey wins for the best kid story of the week. . . this one has had me chuckling all day.


Anonymous said…
Workout Buddy? Workout Buddy? One day Mike told me that I was the reason that he gets out of bed in the morning and all I get is Workout Buddy??? I CAN"T QUIT YOU MIKE!

-Workout Buddy
I'm so out of the loop! Good job on the book sales. Had I known, it would've been 14. I'm excited for your other book ideas.
Nancy K said…
I love the books you made!!!

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