Let's peel back these layers!

juliannlaw Here is a closeup of the endpapers in my debut picture book, THE WORKD’S LONGEST SOCK. I work digitally in Adobe Photoshop but the program doesn’t do it all for me! I knit all the pixels by hand! Haha! I do have things I do to help me work quickly and efficiently, though, like using layers. Here you get to see me take off those layers one by one till we are back at nothing but a background. The World's Longest Sock is now available on  Amazon ,  Barnes and Noble ,  Target , or wherever you  buy books !

Lucy's walking!

. . . and generally being funny. And, yes, that is conference going in the background which we're trying to watch but Lucy does a good job distracting us. But it was officially her first day walking.


Kristine said…
GO Lucy! I love her laugh. So cute.
katherine said…
Jul! she is darling! i love her!! and that just makes conference all the more memorable, right?! happy walking Lu!
missy said…
It’s definitely official… she’s walking! Yeahhh! I love the uh-oh and ooooo noises she kept making too. Man, I can’t wait to see her in less than ONE MONTH. She’s so dang cute! How’s your quest for the perfect shoe? I hope you post your results! Love ya!
Unknown said…
How fun. That definitely changes life to have a walker. She looks darling - as usual.
Stephen said…
How exciting, and what a cutie!
The Kyles said…
yay!!! Congrats to Lucy!
So she beat Jack by a week? I better not tell him, as to protect that male ego. (since they might be seeing each other next week)

So cute!! I love new walkers. I consider babyhood officially gone at my house...for now.
Becky said…
She is so dang cute, I love it!
Milly said…
That made me so happy! She's so cute! I hope you guys are well!
Lady G said…
Yay, Lucy!!! I'm so proud of you!!!
mushroommeadows said…
She's so adorable!!!

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