Let's peel back these layers!

juliannlaw Here is a closeup of the endpapers in my debut picture book, THE WORKD’S LONGEST SOCK. I work digitally in Adobe Photoshop but the program doesn’t do it all for me! I knit all the pixels by hand! Haha! I do have things I do to help me work quickly and efficiently, though, like using layers. Here you get to see me take off those layers one by one till we are back at nothing but a background. The World's Longest Sock is now available on  Amazon ,  Barnes and Noble ,  Target , or wherever you  buy books !

week 1: lots of cuddle time

This is when Lucy and Gramma Leen came to see us in the hospital that first day. . . can you tell somebody likes her little sis?

One of these kids is watching Scooby Doo. . .

The best part of having to slow down and convalesce a little bit. . .

Emily May and her Great Grandmother, Gwendolyn May

Emmie watching her daddy watching crime dramas. . .

It's no wonder at dinner the other night, Lucy looked out the front window and said, "That cloud looks like a daddy holding his baby. . ."

We're loving cuddle time.


Kate said…
i love it! i can't get over that darling hair! what a beautiful family:)
April said…
she is seriously so cute - and I love love that newborn cuddling :) I'm so happy for you guys!
And I can't get over all that hair!
Kristine said…
oh my! that emily has my heart! that dark hair!! great pics. i love the one of her looking at Mike.

and the cloud comment by lucy. awesome!
Cheryl said…
I agree w/Kristine! Love Emmie's hair, her looking at Mike, Lucy's observation...and love the look on your face Jul - you look seriously content. So happy for you guys!
brooklyn said…
oh my goodness. that hair! that picture of her with grandma and lucy is so sweet. she is so cute! hope you are getting some sleep.
Jenni said…
PRECIOUS! There's nothing like that first week home with a newborn...she is beautiful!! Seriously, BEAUTIFUL! =) You'll be able to braid her hair by 6 months! =)
Heidi Lyn said…
She is just so beautiful! I love all that hair. Congratulations.
The Dell Family said…
I can't get over her hair. HOw I wish my girls had that thick beautiful hair when they came out. She's beautiful.
missy said…
When do I get my cuddle time with Emmie!?
I'm glad you keep posting pictures, far away aunties really need them!
Love the pic of the cloud, I totally see what Lucy sees. So cool!
Anonymous said…
She is so beautiful! Clint and I can't wait to meet her---we are out of town for a bit but would love to drop off a meal when we get back. Can't wait!
yay!! she is beautiful and I'm so glad things went smoothly! can't wait to meet miss Emily.
Leah Claire said…
Jul!! I am so happy for you. Baby Emily is beautiful and I hope you are relaxing. Much love XOXOXO
Congrats Juliann! So excited for you! She is beautiful. My little one is 6 weeks old now, and we are absolutely loving every moment. Every little snuggle and cuddle, he must get kissed 100 times a day at least. So happy for you!
The Kyles said…
That hair is amazing. I think she's got Beck beat! What a precious addition to your beautiful family! Congratulations!
hOLLIANN said…
Jules! Congratulations! She might be the cutest baby I have ever seen! Hugs to the mom, baby and family :)

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