I know, I know. Somehow everyone else managed to get their Fourth of July pictures posted by the 5th or 6th of July. . . but what difference does a week make? And not only am I late, I'm a little backwards. I'll start with pics of the 5th, our Law family get-together.

(This is Mike's immediate family, not the huge Law family that would include step-brothers and step-sisters and several more generations of Marion's side of the family as well.) Shown here on our front porch, in columns top to bottom from the left: Marion and Linda, Kristina and Jacob, Jared and Matthew and Katie, Lucy and Elias and Eliza and Coleman, then Mike. We were sorry their other sister Celestia and her fam couldn't be here. Oh, and please don't ask why Lucy is in a straitjacket pose, I have no idea why.
This is Katie and Lucy playing during our little family bbq. It was fun to see her bond with her cousins.
Before that, we spent the weekend on a little "stay-ca" up in the mountains, in Midway.

We stayed at the
Zermatt Resort which as you can tell is a Swiss-themed resort with a gorgeous setting and lots of fun things to do. Life-sized chess games, miniature golf around the natural hot springs, feeding goats on the hill, a working carousel, indoor and outdoor swimming pools, AND a on-site patisserie/gelateria were some of the draws.

For the fourth, they also had live music, face-painting, fireworks, and a petting zoo.

It was a perfect, low-stress little get-away for someone ready to get out of the Salt Lake heat and who would die if she had to sit in a car seat for more than an hour. . . no, not Lucy, me. . . see I totally was not exaggerating in that last post about how huge I am, check out that prego belly!
Lucy covered her ears every time the whistle blew, but other than that she loved it.

I think these two loved it just as much!

This pic of the three of us was taken by the train photographer, like when they take your picture on splash mountain and then want you to pay a ridiculous amount for it. . . but seriously, how could we pass this one up?

We also found a place for Lucy to go on a horseback ride. I imagined a simple 10 minute pony ride. This will spoil pony rides and from here on out. It ended up being just Lucy and her instructor, Liz, and a half hour lesson on a beautiful quarter-horse named Classy in the most idealistic setting I can imagine. It was amazing and Lucy ate it up. She was very serious, and focused and did everything Liz told her to do.

Look at Mt. Timpanogos in the background. . .

And look at our little pro:

Anyhow, we had a blast and it was fun to share it with Mike's Mom and Dad. We just may have to do this again. . .
My boys would have been in Heaven on that day trip... trains and horses... who could ask for more!?
You look beautiful! I am so excited for you guys... having 2 kids is seriously so fun! (even more fun that 1)!
Tell Mikey hi for me!